Study partner/s

Posted by dinaali2024 @dinaali2024, Feb 11 11:11pm

Hi, Me and my husband are studying step 1 USMLE. We are in the beginning, and thought about a study partner to encourage each other and make more progression in a shorter time. We are working full time in research at Mayo downtown campus, feel free to reach out if you’re interested to arrange stude times and place. Thanks

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May I know when are you planning to give exams


May I know when are you planning to give exams

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Sure, Next July-August depends n outlr progress. You?


Sure, Next July-August depends n outlr progress. You?

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I think we will be studying at the same time maybe the same place rather than studying together. Like studying camp with agreed schedule and studying hours. It worked with many of my friends who studied the steps besides work. But even me and my husband don’t study the same branches at the same time. So even if someone is studying STEP 2 can join. If you’re interested text me to arrange, we are 3 now.


I am planning to give it this april or May . Would that be okay !


Best of luck!
Yes, sure this is ok. We will encourage each other in the best way hopefully.
Do you have time to have a brief discussion this Wednesday to agree on the study schedule and timing?


Sure, where and when should we meet?


We will meet at 5:30 PM next Wednesday, in GU building.
Here’s my number: 5076010121
Text me anytime to save your number


Tomorrow or next wednesday !


Tomorrow or next wednesday !

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Tomorrow. Is that ok with you?

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