Looking for accommodation near mayo Rochester

Posted by adarsh96 @adarsh96, Jul 10 4:36am

Hello ! I am a graduate from India . Will be starting my research fellow position at mayo Rochester from 7November 2024 for 1 year . Anyone looking for roommate or having suggestions , please reach out to me

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Hello Adarsh and abdu , I am a female , joining as a research trainee at Mayo . I hope you connect with you both to look an accommodation. Please reach out to me .


Hello Adarsh and abdu , I am a female , joining as a research trainee at Mayo . I hope you connect with you both to look an accommodation. Please reach out to me .

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Hi, are you looking for a place or do you already have one?


Hi, are you looking for a place or do you already have one?

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Hey I am still looking for one

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