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Let's see your mug shots!

Go Green | Last Active: Sep 20, 2020 | Replies (18)

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What ideas do you have to help change the "throw-away" culture?-- I usually go to Starbucks and they have this deal where you purchase their $2 plastic re-usable Starbacks logo'ed cup, and every time you come in to get a medium coffee (of any type-even mochas) they take off $0.10... However, the Starbucks coffee shop in the Kahler actually has a better deal for some reason doing with that it isn't a fully owned Starbucks shop. When you buy a medium mocha, they run it in as a small mocha. So you save even more money by using this re-usable cup!

That being said, to entice people to not join in the "throw away" culture, you have to give them a good monetary deal to convince them. Deal being the key word here. I am not sure how one convinces others to care more for the environment, besides either by making some economical deal or actually physically bringing such people to a landfill or other such examples that include harm to our Earth or the animals of our Earth. Encouraging others to change for the better of the world is a simple idea, but not an easy one.

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Replies to "What ideas do you have to help change the "throw-away" culture?-- I usually go to Starbucks..."

Great tip about the Kahler Starbucks! Bravo Espresso and Caribou also offer discounts if you bring your own mug. I recently read an article about how people make sustainable changes when they think their neighbors care about the environment. The more people see others with reusable mugs, the more it becomes socialized, encourages behavior change and eventually becomes the norm. I have a friendly challenge for those reading this - make it a habit to take your reusable mug to the coffee shop and then be sure to share how easy, convenient and even saved you a little money on your purchase. Let's make reusable the new norm. 🙂