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Bank It or Plank It: Financial Bingo

Well-Being @ Work Community | Last Active: Nov 15, 2018 | Replies (71)

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One of the best things we did when I started at Mayo is joining the Mayo Credit Union. We use and abuse the subaccounts. I am sure they cringe every time we come in and want to add yet another one. 🙂

Each pay period, we set aside 25 into one subaccount, 50 into another, etc. It is great! This way, we don't have to come up with chunks of money when Insurance payments are due, Property Taxes, etc. We have one for everything, including gift giving. It works very well!

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Replies to "One of the best things we did when I started at Mayo is joining the Mayo..."

Great suggestion! We also do this and have for years. Our very first one was for a vacation fund and perhaps one of the best things we've ever done. I'm sure this has saved us from lots of arguments about money, as well. 🙂