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Bank It or Plank It: Financial Bingo

Well-Being @ Work Community | Last Active: Nov 15, 2018 | Replies (71)

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@fayrouz, good morning!
In week 5, we will address the "Spend" category and give examples of how to spend wisely. One of the ideas that we share is comparing prices. I found the items I wanted to purchase and then looked them up on very popular shopping app to see if they were priced less. I simply showed the cashier my phone, he called the manager, she verified the items were the exact same and happily gave approval for the price match. I was able to get expert advice from the store, shop local, and get the lowest price with just an extra minute or two of my time. If my husband wasn't waiting in the car, I might have searched other sites for lower prices too, but I thought $34.82 was a pretty good savings. 🙂

As you participate in the challenge, be sure to look at the "Explore Further" documents. Explore Further documents expand on the action items that were included with the bingo cards. The bingo cards have a shorter, easy to read version.

Hope you enjoy!

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Replies to "@fayrouz, good morning! In week 5, we will address the "Spend" category and give examples of..."

Tina, thank you so much, can you please lead me to the link for the "Explore Further" documents I'm still lost and trying to keep up with the challenge.
Thanks again.