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Looking for accommodation- Rochester

New Employee Connections | Last Active: Sep 10, 2019 | Replies (20)

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I have a two bedroom, two bathroom unit in a newly built apartment complex off of first avenue — a 5 minute walk to Mayo Clinic! If you’re still looking for a place, please let me know!

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Replies to "I have a two bedroom, two bathroom unit in a newly built apartment complex off of..."

Hi! I just found accommodation but thank you for your reply 🙂

Hi,I’m a new to Mayo as a research fellow for 1year at least.would you like to share a bedroom with someone or rent The whole unit?how much per month for a bedroom?I’m already in Rochester now,please reply ASAP,thank you!LeiSha

Hello,is your room still available?I’m going to be a research fellow at Mayo Clinic next week,and I’m already in Rochester now,please contact me,thank u.LeiSha