New to Mayo - Scottsdale, AZ

Posted by Katie Brewer @kabrewer, Oct 26, 2021

Hi everyone! I started with Mayo yesterday in the Development Office on the Scottsdale campus in Arizona. Let me know if you're located at one of the AZ campuses as I'd love to connect and meet new people! I'm always down to grab coffee, lunch, or hang out outdoors as well. Have to take advantage of this weather while we still have it!

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Hello, I'll be starting at Mayo Scottsdale next month. Would love to connect if you are interested. Thanks!


Hi Katie! I just started working at the Phoenix campus last month. I'd love to connect 🙂


Hi Katie! I know I'm a little late but I'll be starting at the Phoenix campus next month! Would love to connect! 🙂


Hi Katie! I know I'm a little late but I'll be starting at the Phoenix campus next month! Would love to connect! 🙂

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Hey Erin, I work at the Phoenix campus as well! I'd love to get together sometime 🙂 I just started here back in November so I'm still a newbie!

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