Friday Prayer

Posted by Meena @mzi, Nov 15, 2021

Does anyone know where Friday prayer is held in the hospital and at what time?

Also, I'm trying to get a gathering of people going inshaAllah, feel free to message to join the groupchat! or send me your IG.

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I am also new to Mayo, and would love to join inshaAllah!


Assalamu alaikum, I don't know in the hospital but there is a masjid namely, Masjid Abubakar Siddiq in downtown (17 N Broadway Ave). Friday prayer is at 12:40PM. Better to be in masjid by 12:20PM


Is there any place within a walking or cycling distance from Mayo?


Is there any place within a walking or cycling distance from Mayo?

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There’s Friday prayer at Saint Mary’s campus on MB7 at 1 pm.

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