NEW GRAD RN @ Mayo Clinic

Posted by Bailey Schafer @baileyschafer, May 1, 2022

Hi everyone I’m Bailey! I just accepted a new grad RN position at Mayo and I start in July! I am moving from out of state so I am pretty new to the area, I don’t know anyone. Just curious to see if anyone else is in the same boat as I am? Maybe we could all meet up sometime?

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Hi Bailey, I'm also moving from out-of-state to begin working in July as a new grad RN! (:


Hi I am new grad RN starting July 19 😀 moving to Rochester from Las Vegas


Hey there, I am a new grad RN and will be starting in mid June! I am moving to Rochester from Colorado 🙂


Hey there, I am a new grad RN and will be starting in mid June! I am moving to Rochester from Colorado 🙂

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No way, me too!

In reply to @darrin5806 "No way, me too!" + (show)

No way, me too!

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What a small world! What department will you be in?


What a small world! What department will you be in?

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ED. You?


I’ll be in the ED as well actually

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Well then we’ll be seeing a lot of each other. Feel free to follow me on Instagram if you wish @ sirginger10 or shoot me a text. It’d great to make friends especially in the same Department


Hi I am new grad RN starting July 19 😀 moving to Rochester from Las Vegas

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I start the same day as well! 😄


I start the same day as well! 😄

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I am also starting on July 19th. I am moving from VA. Currently, I am also looking for an apartment in the area. Please feel free to PM or text me at 571-286-2113. Thank you!

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