← Return to Nursing license


Nursing license

New Employee Connections | Last Active: Jun 28, 2022 | Replies (28)

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I am having issues with my fingerprints transferring from Illinois so I'm having to get them retaken and then driving them to the board tomorrow, which is not ideal. I am sorry that it is just as frustrating for you. When are you anticipated to start?

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Replies to "I am having issues with my fingerprints transferring from Illinois so I'm having to get them..."

Thank you, my start date is 8/16 and will be in the MICU. How about you?

Hey Zoe! I’m also from Illinois and had the same issue. I went to the town hall and got my fingerprints taken at the Police station there. The women who helped me was very understanding and extremely helpful. I got this done in the same day 🙂 Hope it all gets worked out I know how stressful it can be!!