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This is my first medical job and after my second week all my shift are over night. May I have some tip that u have on staying up.

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Replies to "This is my first medical job and after my second week all my shift are over..."

No caffeine after midnight! Even though you may see half your coworkers consuming it, lot’s of water , healthier lunch options like pasta, salad, etc and not the heavy stuff like fast food, and lastly lots and lots of snacks! Between the hours of 3am-5am your body will began to make an aweful shift but you will learn to get use to it which is why staying hydrated is important!

Adjusting Your Sleep Schedule
It's difficult to maintain a non-traditional sleep schedule, but many people are able to do it successfully.

First, it's key that you minimize your exposure to morning light when you come off your shift. If possible, wear dark sunglasses when leaving work. Try to minimize light exposure until after you have slept.1

As in all situations, it'll be important to establish a regular sleep schedule and consolidate your sleep periods.

That is, rather than sleeping for a few hours at times scattered throughout the day, try to sleep in one long stretch as you would at night.2 Your body will establish a new circadian rhythm, allowing you to be awake during the night and asleep during the day.