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I have found myself the lactation policies and also found out about the FRESH MERG group that supports nursing moms on my own. I feel like when moms are pregnant, and interested in breastfeeding Mayo should offer some kind of support on the front end and help prepare the mom. I have an email I send out with lots of link and support for any new pregnant mom. Breastfeeding is so hard, and then put working on top of that, that is probably why most women quit breastfeeding so early because they dont have the support. We should be checking on each other and helping them by providing them with the courses before they give birth. And I wasn't aware of any lactation consult support at all. I was told through the lactation network that my insurance didn't cover anything and I paid out of pocket as well as many of my other co workers. What location are you at @christinebaker ? I wonder if there is the same opportunity for outpatient appointments here in Florida?

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Replies to "I have found myself the lactation policies and also found out about the FRESH MERG group..."

I have had a similar experience in Arizona. I am now passionate about trying to move proactive lactation support forward in Arizona. Any ideas @christinebaker about how to get more attention on this topic outside of MN?