Looking for place starting January

Posted by basselromari @basselromari, Dec 11, 2023

Hey everyone,

Looking for a place to stay starting January.

Open to a room, studio or 1 bedroom.

Feel free to email me (baselomari@ hotmail.com) or message me by Whatsapp: +16132612429


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Hi - I have an apartment for rent in my home in Rochester starting February 1. Contact me at jswanson1519@gmail.com if interested.

In reply to @jpassi379 "Which location?" + (show)

Which location?

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Hi - I have an apartment for rent in my home in Rochester starting February 1. Contact me at jswanson1519@gmail.com if interested.

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Hey would it be possible to have it from January?


Hey would it be possible to have it from January?

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Hi, unfortunately my current roommate moves out January 31st.

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