departmental support for new nursing moms

Posted by jessscott @jessscott, Apr 7, 2023

How does your department encourage nursing moms? I love helping the new moms as I dont feel that I was supported entering the new journey and I am wondering how other departments support. I saw the CRNAs have a whatsapp group that seemed interesting..

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Employees and Learners Lactating group.

Thank you for the important question! We are sorry to hear that your experience was one of not feeling supported in your lactating journey. How commendable that you have turned that around to help others. We support our lactating employees by offering evidence-based classes in the postpartum period to assist with initial questions and concerns and help people prepare for a return to work/school. We additionally have outpatient appointments with Lactation Consultants to provide hands-on assistance when needed. Lactation policies are also in place to guide employees, learners and supervisors through the lactation journey. We strive for a culture of awareness and support. We hope this is helpful.


I have found myself the lactation policies and also found out about the FRESH MERG group that supports nursing moms on my own. I feel like when moms are pregnant, and interested in breastfeeding Mayo should offer some kind of support on the front end and help prepare the mom. I have an email I send out with lots of link and support for any new pregnant mom. Breastfeeding is so hard, and then put working on top of that, that is probably why most women quit breastfeeding so early because they dont have the support. We should be checking on each other and helping them by providing them with the courses before they give birth. And I wasn't aware of any lactation consult support at all. I was told through the lactation network that my insurance didn't cover anything and I paid out of pocket as well as many of my other co workers. What location are you at @christinebaker ? I wonder if there is the same opportunity for outpatient appointments here in Florida?


@jessscott I am in Rochester, MN. Our outpatient lactation visits can be done remotely, so I wonder if that could be a resource for all Mayo employees regardless of location? We continue to work and expand the reach of our offerings. I lead the Perinatal Education Program in Rochester and our postpartum breastfeeding offerings are on Zoom. Check out breastfeeding: return to work/school. A free class offered monthly. Community and support are so important to strengthen and lengthen breastfeeding duration. FUN to chat with another 'lactation crusader'. Be well.


I have found myself the lactation policies and also found out about the FRESH MERG group that supports nursing moms on my own. I feel like when moms are pregnant, and interested in breastfeeding Mayo should offer some kind of support on the front end and help prepare the mom. I have an email I send out with lots of link and support for any new pregnant mom. Breastfeeding is so hard, and then put working on top of that, that is probably why most women quit breastfeeding so early because they dont have the support. We should be checking on each other and helping them by providing them with the courses before they give birth. And I wasn't aware of any lactation consult support at all. I was told through the lactation network that my insurance didn't cover anything and I paid out of pocket as well as many of my other co workers. What location are you at @christinebaker ? I wonder if there is the same opportunity for outpatient appointments here in Florida?

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I have had a similar experience in Arizona. I am now passionate about trying to move proactive lactation support forward in Arizona. Any ideas @christinebaker about how to get more attention on this topic outside of MN?


@desertsew SO nice to hear from an AZ colleague who wants to support others in their lactation experience at Mayo Clinic! I wonder if you could connect with Arizona's GLOW MERG to start? The goal of the GLOW MERG is to promote, educate, and empower women within Mayo Clinic. Also connecting with department leaders, HR, and utilizing resources such as #WEAREMAYOCLINIC and our virtual perinatal education offerings delivered here in Rochester. ALL are welcome. There are many MC forms that are available that can be placed in lactation spaces for employees or other employee spaces. The Lactation Policy can be shared broadly and I hope that every Supervisor/Manager is utilizing it to support their staff prior to baby's arrival. I have found lactation crusaders in every corner of Mayo Clinic. I'm very happy to help where I can! Thank you for turning your passion into action!!

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