Home to share. Rochester MN

Posted by choleary @choleary, Jan 28 7:41pm

Four bedroom, two bath home close to Rochester MN Mayo clinic.
Quiet forested beautiful area.
Furnished or not furnished.

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Is this apartment in Rochester, MN? If so, please email me at poorman.tonya@mayo.edu or by text at 507-440-5133 with more information and photos. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you very much!


Is this apartment in Rochester, MN? If so, please email me at poorman.tonya@mayo.edu or by text at 507-440-5133 with more information and photos. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you very much!

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It's actually a 4/2 house on two acres a couple of miles out of Rochester.
Split level, floor to yourself. (Room + bathroom). Pretty nice real quiet neighborhood, lots of trees.
Approximately six miles from Gonda.


It's actually a 4/2 house on two acres a couple of miles out of Rochester.
Split level, floor to yourself. (Room + bathroom). Pretty nice real quiet neighborhood, lots of trees.
Approximately six miles from Gonda.

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What is a 4/2 house? How much per month? Is there a deposit? Would an April 1st move in date work for you? How many tenants? Cat's OK?

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