Looking for a female roommate to share my townhome! Move in anytime!

Posted by tiffanyhansen @tiffanyhansen, Jun 11, 2023

Call/text: 507-696-5300
Email: hans5002@umn.edu

Hi, I’m Tiffany, a clinical research coordinator, and 27 years old.

ISO Roommate or 2 for 3b 2.5ba townhome NE Rochester

Does not need to be Mayo employee
Must be okay with living with my small 20lb dog, 3 years old
Attached, heated, garage stall

Pets negotiable, pet deposit $250
$800/month for whole upper level (1bd, private bath or negotiable if wanting both upstairs bedrooms)
Or $600/month each for 2 roommates, private bedrooms, shared bathroom
Rent to be paid in cash on the 1st of every month, the 4th or after is $20/day late rent charge
Split HOA and utilities, est. $100/month

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the New Employee Connections group.

I texted you! We are interested! My name is Vicky.

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