Looking for room/apartment for rent February 2024

Posted by rayanhamdar @rayanhamdar, Dec 28, 2023

I am a fourth year medical student from Lebanon coming for an elective in Mayo Clinic Arizona during February 2024. I am looking for any available room or apartment for rent close to the hospital.

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Hello are your male or a female? I’m open to roommate options


Hello are your male or a female? I’m open to roommate options

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Hello Maria- I am a male, but I personally would not mind rooming with anyone. Would you have an issue with that? If so, do you know any other places I could rent for the month?


Hello Maria- I am a male, but I personally would not mind rooming with anyone. Would you have an issue with that? If so, do you know any other places I could rent for the month?

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I PM you

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