Research trainee at mayo Jacksonville

Posted by koshiyahiren5 @koshiyahiren5, Jul 9, 2022

Those who are joining in august-September-October. I am making one whatsapp group , so we can help each other for visa process, accommodation and travel.send here the contact if anyone interested

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add me please +20 1062969197 i start in August


+917319763411 I am starting in 15 days


+917319763411 I am starting in 15 days

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invite sent


add me please +20 1062969197 i start in August

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invite sent. or use the invite link from my comments below


Hello everyone. I am joining as a research trainee at Mayo Jax from 28Aug . Looking for an accommodation ( preferably only females ) please add me in the group . +1-9842098009


Please add me. I have shared my contact in previous reply.


hi please add me as well


Hi! For future reference, if people are looking for accommodation I have a bedroom available starting September 1, 2023 - April 1, 2024 in Mayport/Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville area. Rent is ~$750 with utilities let me know if you are interested!

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