Room in NW Rochester house starting Sep. 1st (women only)

Posted by abigailhawley @abigailhawley, Jul 11 11:39am

I am looking for a woman to take over my portion of a lease in a 4 bedroom, 2 bath house located in NW (mainly west) Rochester. Rent is $770/month, not including utilites, which are split three ways each month. There are 2 other roomates currently in this house and the extra bedroom is a library. One roomate does have 3 cats. The house has a fenced backyard, front and back porch, is split level with living rooms on both floors, and a 2 car garage that us three girls rotate through. The lease goes until June 30th, 2025.
I'm also looking to sell some of the furniture so if you would like any of it we can discuss pricing and it can be left in the room- full size mattress and box springs, wooden dresser, small bedroom lamp, white bookshelf, and TV.

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In reply to @lucerosangsterc "Hi i am interested!" + (show)

Hi i am interested!

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If you want to text me at 405-881-5533 we can talk more about it!


Also interested if this is still available!


Also interested if this is still available!

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It is! You can text me at 405-881-5533. I can't figure out how to direct message on this lol


Is this still available?

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yes it is! text me at 405-881-5533 if you want more info 🙂


yes it is! text me at 405-881-5533 if you want more info 🙂

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I’ve been trying to text you but my messages aren’t going through. Can we talk with email?
My email is Thanks

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