Two months Mayo Clinic, Rochester

Posted by gemmai @gemmai, Apr 7, 2022

Hi!!! I am going to be in Rochester for two months (April and May) and I don't know anyone. I'm looking for suggestions of what to do in Rochester and to meet people. I love to travel and discover new places.
I also need improve my English and now is the perfect moment, someone could help me? If you would I can teach you Spanish too 🙂

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Hey @gemmai, I’ve been living in the Rochester area for a couple months now and would love to share some cool spots I have found! I wouldn’t mind learning Spanish either!


Great!! We can meet up sometime, I'm looking forward to seeing new places 🙂
We can talk by private message or my instagram is @gemmaiserte


Hey @gemmai, I’ve been living in the Rochester area for a couple months now and would love to share some cool spots I have found! I wouldn’t mind learning Spanish either!

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Id like to know too


Hey welcome Gemmai, I would love to show you around some cool spots in Rochester and learn some Spanish! let me know how best to connect and we can coordinate a time


hey guys : ) I was looking for an outing too. I moved in Rochester this month and would love to connect and make friends. I don't know if you've already planned something but if possible count me in : )


If you want we can meet this weekend. Feel free to connect with me on Instagram at @gemmaiserte or Facebook Gemma Iserte


Hello everyone, let me know you are having any plan when the weather is getting nicer . Let’s meet and greet! Would like to meet people in town.

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