A member of the Benefits Education team will discuss strategies to be a good consumer of medical and other benefits. Topics will focus on methods to choose the best plans for you and how to get the most out of the plans you have. For details on locations and online viewing options, visit HR Connect online and search on the keywords Benefits University.
Will this be recorded for later viewing if unable to watch at the scheduled time?
Hi Jen - yes, it will be! Our BU classes are recorded and uploaded to the video exchange within about 3 business days. From the Mayo intranet homepage, select "video" in the upper right hand corner, and then search "Benefits University" for a listing of all archived videos. Thanks!
Thank you!
"#WeAreMayoClinic is an online community where Mayo Clinic employees – past, present and future – can connect with others who share a common interest. Share your experiences, learn from each other and find resources and recommendations from your peers." In order for this statement to be true, this site would need to be on the internet, not just the intranet.
debimn, #WeAreMayoClinic is accessible from your home computer, laptop and mobile devices connected to the internet.