3 Ways to Protect Your Heart and Brain this American Stroke Month

May 13, 2024 | Jennifer Picker | @jenniferpicker

Every 40 seconds someone in the U.S. has a stroke[1] and 1 in 4 stroke survivors will have another one[2]. During May, American Stroke Month, the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, is raising awareness nationwide that stroke is largely preventable, treatable and beatable.

Here are 3 ways you can act now to beat stroke:

  1. Learn how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T. If you see Face drooping, Arm weakness or Speech difficulty, it’s Time to call 911.
  2. Know your blood pressure numbers and keep them in a healthy range. High blood pressure is a leading cause and controllable risk factor for stroke and heart disease. Lowering your blood pressure reduces your risk of stroke.
  3. Prevent another stroke – Be a bold advocate for yourself by talking to your doctor about managing risk factors to help prevent a second stroke.

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