Mission: To ensure the highest level of safety and quality for every stroke patient across the continuum through standardized care and innovative strategies. A telestroke consult is a real-time audio/visual consultative service with a Mayo Clinic Neurology stroke specialist, for acute stroke patients who present at the emergency department of a participating hospital.  Providing immediate access to critical clinical neurological consultative support, the patients receive optimal and prompt care from a stroke specialist.

Telestroke Sim 2020-15 Tab Header (1)

Telestroke Activation Criteria - For adults (18+) with suspected acute stroke syndrome, activate when:

  • Time window 0-24 hours; persistent objective focal neurological deficit(s)
    • NIHSS, if known

Activation Workflow


Telemedicine Device

Example Telestroke Service Activation Calls

Example Telestroke Video Simulation

  • Simulation: Telestroke Video - Note: This is an example of a potential telestroke video consult.  Not all video consults follow this exact format.

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