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Teenager Bedtime Woes

Surviving parenthood | Last Active: Oct 6, 2021 | Replies (3)

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That's tough, @transom. Do you think he'd get the point if you let him have his way a few nights in a row, staying up as late as he wants, but still having to get up at his regular time in the a.m.? As in, he'll likely feel tired, crabby, etc., during day and "get it"? Probably wishful thinking 🙂

We have a household of night owls. Our 13-year-old is often up reading past 11, but we do have set times when his phone needs to be put away, and when he needs to be off all other screens.

Good luck! I'm finding these teen years are more challenging for me than infant and toddler years.

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Replies to "That's tough, @transom. Do you think he'd get the point if you let him have his..."

Thanks @sunnihemingsen for the tips. Yes, these teen years are difficult. And my younger son is approaching it quickly! YIKES!

We have tried to give him more liberties lately on bedtime, but one saving grace of Daylight Savings Time (even if for the short-term) was that he recognized how tired he was and has been choosing to go to bed early this week. 🙂 I am glad to see him recognizing his needs. Usually, it is his behavior that let's us know he hasn't been getting enough sleep.