Rochester Transplants

Posted by mhkoslow @mhkoslow, Nov 25, 2019

Hi Everyone,

I am a new post-doc here at Mayo coming from Upstate NY that started not to long ago. I am looking to make some new friends Is anyone interest4ed in doing a weekly or monthly get together of people who work at Mayo that are not originally from Minnesota? (People from Minnesota of course you are welcome to hang too!!!!!!)

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk group.


Welcome to Mayo! I enjoy bowling, skating, and playing pool. I also like playing board games, dominoes, and cards.

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good to know. i will try and organize something in the coming weeks for people commenting on this thread


Hello!! I moved to Minnesota earlier this month and I am originally from Texas. Will be starting as a surgical tech next month. I love to go out and eat, do outdoor stuff, and pretty much anything fun.


I’m a Minnesota native but I’d be happy to show you the ropes 😉


Hello- count me in. I'd be interested in joining in as well.


I just moved from here from CT! I’m also interested in joining.


Hello all. I m new postdoc from NY city. joined a couple of months ago. would like to meet, greet new friends. Should we plan for a friday evening drinks at some Bar. Would be great to meet new people.


yes. once i get a better sense of schedule, we should all do drinks. everyone KEEP POSTED!!!!


Hi! My name is Brad and I am also moving to Rochester in January. I am originally from upstate NY and have lived in NYC the last few years. I would love to meet up with everyone in this group once I get settled in MN. What does everyone like to do on their free time?


I grew up west of the cities but just moved back here after years in KC and Indianapolis. I would love to meet up!


Hi! My name is Brad and I am also moving to Rochester in January. I am originally from upstate NY and have lived in NYC the last few years. I would love to meet up with everyone in this group once I get settled in MN. What does everyone like to do on their free time?

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hey brad! welcome to the midwest! I am a fellow north-easterner as well (originally from north jersey and lived in upstate NY for a few years afterwards). let us know when you get in! we are happy to have ya

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