Rochester Transplants

Posted by mhkoslow @mhkoslow, Nov 25, 2019

Hi Everyone,

I am a new post-doc here at Mayo coming from Upstate NY that started not to long ago. I am looking to make some new friends Is anyone interest4ed in doing a weekly or monthly get together of people who work at Mayo that are not originally from Minnesota? (People from Minnesota of course you are welcome to hang too!!!!!!)

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lets start rolling. 5 pm this friday works. Forager Brewing. Lets meet and then we can plan future to do things. I am in for friday @5.


keep me updated on future hang out stuff! sorry for not being able to make it this time around


lets start rolling. 5 pm this friday works. Forager Brewing. Lets meet and then we can plan future to do things. I am in for friday @5.

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Iā€™m in for this Friday, I will be there at 5:15 pm ish .


This is great, I have been trying to find and start something like this when I first arrived. See you there! I'll bring a hockey puck and place it on the table so you know for sure it is me/us. Who would ever place a hockey puck on a table? šŸ™‚


Sitting in the coffee section on your immediate left side when you walk in.


We are 4 now, Yogi, Matt, Jen, and myself will grab a table. Please join us. Since we never met look for a hockey puck on the table. Don't be shy. We are sitting in the far back, practically a private room for us. Nice and quiet 👌


We are 4 now, Yogi, Matt, Jen, and myself will grab a table. Please join us. Since we never met look for a hockey puck on the table. Don't be shy. We are sitting in the far back, practically a private room for us. Nice and quiet 👌

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I was there , but I didnot see anyone šŸ™


I was there , but I didnot see anyone šŸ™

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We were in the back room next to the kitchen, are you still here?


We were in the back room next to the kitchen, are you still here?

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I left before I see your message.

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