Rochester Transplants

Posted by mhkoslow @mhkoslow, Nov 25, 2019

Hi Everyone,

I am a new post-doc here at Mayo coming from Upstate NY that started not to long ago. I am looking to make some new friends Is anyone interest4ed in doing a weekly or monthly get together of people who work at Mayo that are not originally from Minnesota? (People from Minnesota of course you are welcome to hang too!!!!!!)

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk group.


I know I'm late to the game, but I just saw this post! I'm originally from Chicago (the pizza situation is ROUGH here, guys) and have been in Rochester almost 3 years, BUT I'm always looking for new people to hang with! 🙂

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Welcome Claguzino, you are right, it is very much so. Scroll up and join our whatsapp group. The covid-19 situation has put a damper on our gatherings but hopefully, it will pick up soon.


Hey! This would be awesome! I’m not quite in MN as of yet, my start date is 15Feb, but I’m excited to do this and meet new people!:)


Hello!! I moved to Minnesota earlier this month and I am originally from Texas. Will be starting as a surgical tech next month. I love to go out and eat, do outdoor stuff, and pretty much anything fun.

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Hey! I’m Cyn! I’m an ST too relocating from New Mexico!


Would y’all be willing to share contact info, so as to plan better for hangouts?


I would love to meet new people , as I’ll be starting on Feb 15th as well. I’ll DM Cyn my number.


Hey y'all, my name is Hannah and I'm 28! Don't know whether you are still meeting up, but I am starting at Mayo next week and am originally from WI, but have lived in New Jersey as well! Would love to meet some new people!


Hey y'all, my name is Hannah and I'm 28! Don't know whether you are still meeting up, but I am starting at Mayo next week and am originally from WI, but have lived in New Jersey as well! Would love to meet some new people!

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i just moved here 6 weeks ago from Wisconsin. I'd love to meet some people and hang out!


i just moved here 6 weeks ago from Wisconsin. I'd love to meet some people and hang out!

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Where in WI are you from? I am also a WI transplant here in Rochester.


Bumping an earlier post - Join our WhatsApp chat group as well to stay in touch.


Where in WI are you from? I am also a WI transplant here in Rochester.

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I'm from the Eau Claire area.

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