February 25th orientation in Rochester

Posted by Chelsie @chelsiegaspar, Feb 5, 2019

Hello everyone:

I hope you are having a wonderful snow white Tuesday! To those of you who have your orientation on February 25th in Rochester, do you know where the orientation will be held at? I had to adjust my start date and the new start date letter didn't contain where the orientation will be held at. I am assuming it will be held at the Charter House because that is where my original orientation was going to be held at, but I am not sure if the February 25th orientation will be the same or somewhere different. If someone could please verify for me if the orientation will be held at the Charter House or someplace else on February 25th that would be great. Thank you so much for your help and have a great evening!

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@chelsiegaspar, @carsonrogerson, @lgregory48, @kmellody, @ahackensmith, @tcc1, @nzahhos

All, please note: Due to inclement weather, Mayo Clinic Orientation for Monday, Feb. 25, 2019 has been cancelled. We will continue to assess the weather and will follow up with next steps as soon as possible. Please check your email for updates. ~ Sunni Hemingsen, Public Affairs, on behalf of HR

PS, if you haven't done so already, follow Employees at Mayo Clinic on Facebook. Updates are also posted on the News Center, which you'll be able to access with your Mayo Clinic credentials.

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