Looking for a place to rent near Mayo Rochester, MN starting from June

Posted by gharshini @gharshini, May 8 12:45pm

Hey! I'm a recent graduate from India.
Looking to rent an affordable, fully furnished studio room/apartment for 6 months, starting from mid-May/June in Rochester, MN within walking distance to Mayo. I'm also open to sharing the rent with a roommate.

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Hey! Thanks for letting me know! Is there a way I can get more information please about the other room that is available? I would like to know if the lease for the other room is for a year too? And would like to know who I will be sharing the bathroom with?

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and yes, the lease will be the exact same. If you want housemates normally the lease is for a year because everyone signs on the house together.


You will be sharing with 2 other girls; the room is in the same house. One of the other housemates want to take over my room and give up her room.

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Ok that sounds great! Is there a way I can contact one of the housemates to discuss the lease and take a look at pictures of the room before signing the lease?


You will be sharing with 2 other girls; the room is in the same house. One of the other housemates want to take over my room and give up her room.

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Hi @rohailjameel94
Thank you for all the information you've given me and for letting me know about the other available room.
Could you kindly convey to the concerned individual to reach out to me at 732-306-8282? So that I can discuss further details about the other room before finalizing the lease.
Thanks a lot again!


Hi! Sorry for the delay. Just wanted to know if the room with the shared bathroom is still available?

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