Tips for starting the school year in sustainable style

Posted by Amanda Holloway @amandab, Sep 3, 2019

The recent social media posts of children headed back to school got me thinking about starting off the school year in sustainable style. Here are a few tips to consider starting the school year off sustainably:

1. Shop second hand clothing stores to save money and create less waste.
2. Inventory school supplies you already have before purchasing new items. If you do have to purchase new items, buy recycled-content and items that don’t have a lot of wasteful packaging.
3. Pack a lunch in a reusable lunch box with a reusable bottle. Kids can help plan what they’d like to eat!
4. Don’t idle your vehicle when you drop-off and pick-up your child at school. A good rule of thumb is to turn off your car if you’re going to be stopped for more than 30 seconds. This reduces the air pollutants around the school.
5. Engage kids in the school prep process and empower them to help find creative ways to be green.

Share your other tips for starting off the school year in sustainable style!

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I think we can all do better by just letting go of Amazon's 2 day shipping unless absolutely necessary.
More research here.

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