Everyone has Mental Health with Jody

May 9, 2023 | Courtney Holz | @courtneyholz

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. 

Please join EAP counselor, Jody Nation, on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 11:00am CST/9:00am MT/12:00pm EDT, for a 25-minute presentation “Everyone has Mental Health”.

This presentation will focus on increasing your awareness of and providing strategies to improve your mental health.  There will be time for questions after.


  • Recognize the wide variety of emotions that are part of life.
  • Learn to identify triggers and/or signs that you may not be doing as well as you could.
  • Gain strategies for improving mental health.

Attend in person from 11:00-11:30am on the Rochester Campus at the Grumman Lecture Hall (Sieben’s Building, Fourth Floor, Room 6)

Join via zoom:   https://mchealth.zoom.us/j/96561432635?pwd=RjFwVGpsa1BCNExqMTBWUHg4L1BDQT09

(Meeting ID:  965 6143 2635, Passcode:  639226)

Gather with others for the live broadcast at 9:00am at the Phoenix Campus (Mayo Clinic Building, Sixth Floor, Room 107)

Dennis Apker, Arizona EAP counselor, will provide an overview of services offered after the presentation and will be available to answer questions.

Anywhere may join via zoom:  https://mchealth.zoom.us/j/96561432635?pwd=RjFwVGpsa1BCNExqMTBWUHg4L1BDQT09

(Meeting ID:  965 6143 2635, Passcode:  639226)


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