Remembering the Franciscan Spirit: the Value of Respect

Feb 8, 2019 | Treasure Ransom | @transom

The Mayo Clinic Values Council invites you to remember that the spiritual roots of our Mayo founders, Dr. W.W. Mayo and Mother Alfred Moes, OSF are as relevant and important as ever to the care our patients receive.  Today the Mayo/Franciscan Values thrive in an environment that recognizes that spirituality is an integral dimension of compassionate care and healing.

Respect: Treat everyone in our diverse community including patients, their families and colleagues with dignity.



WW Mayo reflected his Quaker influence by equally valuing men and women, recognizing the fundamental brotherhood and sisterhood of all people, with special love and respect shown to those whom the wider society rejects or deems inferior. Our common humanity transcends our differences.

Mother Alfred, like Saint Francis of Assisi, saw everyone as brother/sister, with Francis’ special love for the poor, the powerless, the sick, the lepers and the beggars by the wayside.

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