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Any Musicians Out There?

Music | Last Active: Dec 18, 2022 | Replies (25)

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Nice to meet you, @bobbydavis! My passion is singing. I was in choir in college and that experience provided me with an abundance of special memories, including a tour to 8 countries in Europe! I only sing in the church choir now, but I'm happy I still have an outlet for it. I play the piano a bit, and was a tenor saxophone player in school. My piano tends to just gather dust now, although I usually play so I can sing.

I am proud to say that my two boys are showing interest in music. I look forward to seeing what they do with it in the future and what opportunities it may provide as they participate in school and maybe beyond.

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Replies to "Nice to meet you, @bobbydavis! My passion is singing. I was in choir in college and..."

@transom , my daughter is just getting into singing. She is 7. Do you have any advice for a new voice student? And wow! So cool you got to travel with your college choir! AWESOME!!!! What countries in Europe?