Remembering the Franciscan Spirit: our Primary Value

Jan 21, 2019 | Treasure Ransom | @transom

The Mayo Clinic Values Council invites you to remember that the spiritual roots of our Mayo founders, Dr. W.W. Mayo and Mother Alfred Moes, OSF are as relevant and important as ever to the care our patients receive.  Today the Mayo/Franciscan Values thrive in an environment that recognizes that spirituality is an integral dimension of compassionate care and healing.

Primary Value: The needs of the patient come first.

"The story of the hospital’s beginnings revolves around a few unknown women and men who built the foundations of an extraordinary institution. The cornerstone of the foundation was their shared commitment to serve suffering humanity. Such commitment inspired unstinting efforts, tapped creative resources, and transcended religious differences. They forged a permanent partnership and in the process, overcame formidable obstacles.”
∼ (The Sisters’ Story, Vol. I, p.57)

Theirs was a relational vision and intent; ours is our Mayo/Franciscan history/heritage/values that is their gift to us today.

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.
∼ (Hellen Keller)

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